The following Conditions are related to Incomplete fingers

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Split hand and split foot malformation

    Split hand/split foot malformation (SHFM) is a genetic disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of some fingers or toes, often combined with clefts in the hands or feet. There may also be the appearance of webbing between fingers or toes (syndactyly). This may give the hands and/or feet a claw-like appearance. There are many types and combinations of deformities that appear in split hand/split foot malformation. Th  Read More

  • Split-hand and foot deformity

    Split hand/split foot malformation (SHFM) is a genetic disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of some fingers or toes, often combined with clefts in the hands or feet. There may also be the appearance of webbing between fingers or toes (syndactyly). This may give the hands and/or feet a claw-like appearance. There are many types and combinations of deformities that appear in split hand/split foot malformation. Th  Read More