The following Conditions are related to Thick lips

Select a specific condition below to view its details.

  • Coffin siris syndrome

    Multiple bodily systems are impacted by the illness known as Coffin-Siris syndrome. Developmental disability, anomalies of the fifth (pinky) fingers or toes, and distinctive facial features are trademarks of this disorder, despite the fact that there are numerous diverse signs and symptoms. 1. The majority of those affected have mild to severe intellectual disabilities or delayed speech and motor skill development  Read More

  • Williams-beuren syndrome

    Williams syndrome, also known as Williams-Beuren syndrome, is a rare genetic disorder characterized by growth delays before and after birth (prenatal and postnatal growth retardation), short stature, a varying degree of mental deficiency, and distinctive facial features that typically become more pronounced with age. Such characteristic facial features may include a round face, full cheeks, thick lips, a large mouth that is usually held open,  Read More